CareNet Ministry
CareNet members are engaged in a relationship (a state of being connected) with our Lord and Savior. Because we are in a relationship, the natural outflow results in us reaching out to our church with words of encouragement via cards, prayers, Marco polos, text messages, and phone calls. Through these actions, we, put our feet and hands to the message of Christ. It is not just “head knowledge” but true involvement in each other’s lives, just as Christ is deeply involved with us. From the outflow of knowing our Savior better comes our desire to know one another better and to connect with each other during the good and the bad times.
Because we, individually, recognize that we have received grace and mercy, we extend that to our congregation. When the occasion arises for us to meet a need, we do so without judgment because we realize that we have received grace upon grace and his constant mercy. Our relationship with the Lord is organic. It is active and vibrant. These factors are reflected in our service to our church body.
We continue to give our physical resources and prayers generously.
In the coming year, I know I will see more of the same and even an increase in our passion to know Christ and to share Him with each other and with those who have not YET come to know Him. As it states in 2 Peter 1: 8 “ For if these qualities are yours ( and they are CareNet) and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ .”
Understand and experience the grace of God, and as a result, grow in Christ-like love for others
Authentically share our lives with one another.
Serve one another, each in our own unique, God-given way.
Be a diverse congregation.
Stay In Touch With CareNet
Are you sick and shut-in?
Need someone to Pray with you?
Are you interested in joining our Ministry?
Please send a message on the contact form, and someone will be in touch to discuss your needs asap.
We look forward to serving you.