Have you met the real Jesus? I'm not talking about a one-dimensional caricature of the real Jesus. Not the religious Jesus, who only speaks in "thee's and thou's" and never smiles. Not the "soft" Jesus, who is a pushover. I'm talking about the gritty Jesus who is also gentle. The Jesus who will stand toe-to-toe with your strongest feelings, fears and doubts without the slightest bit of intimidation or resorting to domination to shut you up or shut you out. I mean the One who will stare you straight in the eyes and tell you "I'm worthy of Your trust" and leave you believing it. I'm talking about the Jesus who can't be gotten over on or gotten over, period! The One who commands the thunder and whispers in breezes. The Jesus who can relate to your world and show you a better one at the same time. The Jesus who can make you think things you've never thought, see things you've never seen and feel things you've never felt. The One who promises and delivers eternal life to anyone and everyone who dares to believe that He is God's forever solution to man's deepest desires. That's the real Jesus. That is the Jesus we are getting to know here at Valley Brook. Have you met Him?