- Message Title: “The Gift of Now”
- Expansion of “Just a Moment with Pastor Dan” devotional piece from last Friday.
Text: Philippians 3:12-14
- Paul considers everything he used to value as worthless compared to knowing Christ and having faith in Him.
- Paul’s approach to living out a life of faith:
- Not yet arrived.
- Not focusing on the past.
- Keep moving forward.
Main Idea: Each moment is a gateway to new possibilities.
I. The Essential Question: “What Am I Going to Do Now?”
- The essential question we face every day.
- “Now” is our workstation.
- Athletes focus on “now” to improve performance.
- When making a wrong turn, look for the nearest place to turn around.
- Processing “now” involves choosing how to look at and respond to our feelings and circumstances.
- Options: Ignore feelings, sublimate them, be proactive in love, confide in someone, talk to the Lord, analyze them.
- This perspective allows us to engage the present moment with purpose and a biblical mindset.
- Recognize we have options and be alert to the enemy’s tactics.
- Safeguard: Understanding our “always” status.
II. Our “Always” Status
- Romans 8:1 – “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
- In Christ, believers are perpetually in a state of forgiveness, acceptance, and love from God.
- Our “always” status means no baggage from the past and no barrier between us and God.
- Confession is about receiving God’s consolation and growing in trust, not about getting right with God.
- God’s dealings with us always come from a place of affection and acceptance.
- Even when suffering consequences, God cares for us.
- Galatians 2:20 – Living with reliance on Jesus and His work.
- Jesus’ sacrifice secures our confidence in God’s love and the Holy Spirit’s sufficiency.
- God’s favor was established through Christ, and His promises are always with us.
- Each moment is a gateway to new possibilities.
III. The Grace Difference
- Grace is unconditional, immutable, unwavering.
- Human promises can fall apart, but God’s promises remain.
- Love involves risk (Isaiah 65:2-3)
- God’s love is given with the hope of our response.
- – God’s enduring patience with us.
- Jude 21 – Keep yourselves in the love of God by believing and embracing it.
- Each moment is a fresh start with God’s grace.
- We are as spiritual or unspiritual as we are in the moment.
- Accept the grace of the gospel, engage with your “now,” and let each moment be a fresh start.
- Each moment is a gateway to new possibilities.
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